It's not a complicated app. You enter your body weight and an activity level, and you get a target for the day. What's the target of a reasonably active person who weighs 137 pounds (le moi)?
96 ounces.Three quarters of a gallon. I'm pretty sure that's like four dozen bananas in metric or one Super Big Gulp.
I am unsure about this hydration strategy...
In nearly a month, I think I've made goal all of once. Mayyyybe twice. I try to make myself feel slightly better about this by reminding myself that the zillion hydration guides you can find on various running sites say they're a baseline only, let thirst be your guide, and they all attract a militant "Oh my good gravy, I can't believe you Hydration Nazis are still perpetuating this junk hydration science that indicates you need anything more than a thimble of water a month! Gah! You're a menace to society! You're trying to give us all hyponatremia!" commenter crowd. Seriously. I've seen the "dangerous junk science" line thrown at innocuous Runner's World reviews of water bottles that dare to mention how you should sip water throughout the day.
Thing is, I drink until I'm sloshing and spend a good portion of my time frolicking off to the little girl's room and I'm still mildly thirsty. I get my blood sugar tested at least once a year, so I don't think I've got The Diabeetus.
I think I'm just thirsty because I am an oh so dainty southern lady who sweats like a construction worker while running these days. Once upon a time, I didn't think I was much of a sweater. Now, I go a mile in anything over 60 and it seems like my elbows are dripping.
Admittedly, I feel markedly better the days I get closer to goal than the days I don't. One of my recent not-so-good days, I found myself battling a headache that seemed to be intent upon tunneling through my sinus cavities with a rusty spork.
I'm trying to be really good about sipping all day long, but this hydration thing is hard, even when I begin my day sweating my behind off in the humid Ohio River valley.
Dehydration, by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you!